
Summer Research Program 港科大工业工程与决策分析学系现正招募顶尖本科大三学生暑假到本校进行2023年暑期研究。参与者将与教职员合作开展研究项目,并有机会参加研讨会和讲习班。课程...

2. This past summer, my research made me cry. At Princeton, academic research often felt extraordinarily low stakes. Even an argument with a strong motive could feel comfortably removed from the realities of my life. In the academy, we aim for empi...

一、Suggestions On Research Project 托福听力原文: FEMALE PROFESSOR: I have some good news for you. One of the students who was signed up for the summer term at the field station next year won't be attending after all. Your name's first on the waiti...

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